Community Relations

One of Canacol's primary objectives is to improve the quality of life of millions of people by engaging in the exploration, production, and distribution of conventional natural gas. We undertake these activities with a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility, ensuring that our operations are conducted consciously and transparently.

The Company actively contributes to economic and social development within its sphere of influence. We orchestrate various social initiatives that are aligned with the most stringent industry standards, as well as both national and international regulations. These efforts are underpinned by a deep respect for the communities we engage with and a strong commitment to environmental preservation. Furthermore, our endeavors encompass the following activities:

  • Achieve the strategic objectives defined by the Company while upholding the cultural diversity, as well as the flora and fauna of the region.
  • Foster enduring, transparent, and fair partnerships between the stakeholders within the areas of influence (communities, local and departmental authorities) and the internal teams of the Company. This entails adhering to superior standards and fostering sustainable development of the region.
  • Pioneer  social investment projects that are environmentally sustainable, creating development opportunities and enhancing competitiveness in the region. These projects are in accordance with our corporate strategy and align with the Sustainable Development Goals advocated by the United Nations.

Commitment with our Communities

Canacol takes proactive measures to nurture and enhance constructive, transparent, and meaningful connections with its stakeholders. This approach seeks to cultivate a symbiotic rapport between the Company and society, while simultaneously bolstering institutional capacity and environmental stewardship.

Through consultation, communication, prioritization, project formulation, and precise execution of social investment projects, we assist the economic and social advancement of the communities residing within the Company's sphere of influence, while protecting the environmental integrity of the regions in which our operations are conducted. This is achieved through the utilization of dynamic and transparent participatory strategies in project development. These strategies foster the establishment of operational capacities tailored to each region's unique characteristics, while cultivating significant partnerships that ensure the sustained progression of these projects over time.

Canacol implements a Social Welfare policy that delineates the guiding principles, strategic plans, and procedures necessary for cultivating constructive relationships with rural and ethnic communities.

For further information, please refer to the following Social Welfare Policy

Social Responsibility Plan

Our Social Responsibility Plan is composed of the following strategic lines:

1.1. Information and Communication

In compliance with Colombian regulations and Canacol's Procedures, the company establishes comprehensive communication plans & meetings with the communities located in areas of its operations, as well as with the respective local authorities, throughout all stages of our its operational activities. These stages include pre-operations, during operations, and post-operations meetings.

1.2. Attention to Concerns, Petitions, Complaints and Claims

The reception and diligent handling of concerns, petitions, complaints, and claims are driven by the fundamental aim of establishing seamless and efficient communication between Canacol and its stakeholders. Addressing Concerns, Requests, Complaints and Claims “CRCC” not only facilitates direct responsiveness to citizen concerns but also contributes to an ongoing monitoring mechanism that fosters process enhancement within the Company.

1.3. Job Opportunities

Local employment is one of the main positive effects of our operations. Through the promotion of local employees, we contribute to improving the quality of life of neighboring communities. At Canacol, we comply with and seek to exceed legislation related to qualified and unqualified local labor. Moreover, we promote and encourage local businesses to be part of our supply chain. We focus our efforts on strengthening their technical, economic, and administrative capacities, to help them to be the best allies possible, not only for Canacol, but for their whole market.

In the development of its operations, the Company aims to generate shared value with its stakeholders, with the central objective of fostering the sustainable development of the communities within its sphere of influence. This commitment extends to advancing local, regional, and national competitiveness. As part of this commitment, the Company facilitates the procurement of local goods and services, thereby ensuring active engagement of suppliers from the local communities.

In 2023, the share of local people in senior management positions at the operating site level corresponds to 6%. Additionally, the share of local people in junior management positions corresponds to 9%.

Social Investment Strategy

Social Investment Lines

  • Productive and Business Development:  Generate opportunities for rural sector growth by executing initiatives that promote productivity, business ventures, and social advancement. These endeavors encompass enhancing skill sets, facilitating capital access, and providing specialized guidance.
  • Human Development: Contribute to the improvement of educational quality by combating school delays and illiteracy through active support to educational institutions and the establishment of training programs.
  • Community and Institutional Strengthening: Collaborate with governmental bodies and civil society organizations to bolster community assets, identify key priorities that reinforce the institutional framework, and fortify the social fabric at both local and regional levels. These efforts harmonize with development plans instituted by government entities. Additionally, implement strategies and projects aimed at enhancing community well-being, including initiatives to upgrade healthcare services, utilities, and basic sanitation.
  • Empowering Ethnic Minorities: Elevate the development, viability, and cultural continuity of ethnic communities that share connections with the Company's operations.
  • Environment: Develop environmental investment projects to contribute to the protection and conservation of natural resources in the Company's areas of influence.

Relationship with Special Population

By adhering to the tenets of prior consultation and intercultural engagement, the Company establishes corporate guidelines to facilitate the social involvement of ethnic communities. These guidelines pertain to diverse processes such as prior consultation, intercultural collaboration, and human rights due diligence. This engagement is approached as a voluntary and continuous process.

Within the framework of the identification and implementation of the operational projects executed by the Company, the Intercultural Relations and Prior Consultation team employs a Due Diligence model. This model encompasses all pertinent variables with the overarching objective of ensuring environmental stability and implementing an intercultural relations strategy that forestalls human rights transgressions across all operations.

To achieve this, it is imperative to identify both actual and potential risks. This facilitates the assurance of legal certainty and the establishment of measurable parameters for the social and environmental viability of the project. The following aspects must be considered:

  • Identification of potential cultural impacts on the territorial scope of ethnic groups and the corresponding compensation measures.
  • Identification of interethnic conflicts associated with land ownership or representation.
  • dentification of affected indigenous peoples.
  • Understanding the local context for engaging with indigenous peoples.
  • Principles of good engagement of indigenous peoples
  • Free prior and informed consent
  • Commitment to protect and preserve cultural heritage from the adverse impacts of local activities.
  • Grievance mechanisms.
  • Audit and assessment of relocation / resettlement.

To learn more about our relationship processes with special populations, please consult the intercultural relationship protocol.